The semiconductor enigma in solid oxide fuels cells for hydrogen to electricity generation

Muhammad Imran Asghar
New Energy Technologies Group, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University; Finland;
Faculty of Physics and Electronics Science, Hubei University, China.

Knowledge exchange activity in the energy materials community Empiri Youtube channel.

Special Sino-Nordic research and innovation session
Third generation semiconductor energy materials and technologies 2021:
Silicon carbide and other semiconductor approaches
Organizers: Mikael Syväjärvi, ALMINICA AB (Sweden) and Lili Zhao, Harbin KY Semiconductor, LUC (China)
The session is held at the International Summit Forum on the Development and Prospects of the Third Generation Semiconductor Industry, Harbin, China, July 4-6, 2021. The Summit is organized by China Advanced Semiconductor Industry Innovation Alliance.
The session is organized by JMS Center for Research Utilisation | ALMINICA AB and Harbin KY Semiconductor, LUC. The activity is promoted by the network EMPIRI (energy and environmental platform for international research and innovation).
This session is the first Sino-Nordic session in an exchange series that is focused on third generation semiconductor energy materials and technologies.